Registering a car in France

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Publié par Eplaque - 6 min de lecture ⏳

Le 30/09/2021 - Mis à jour le 31/08/2023

Do you want to register a car in France? Lost in translation when trying to make the procedure on the ANTS website? Eplaque is a fully licensed car registration operator in France. We mainly help locals to circumvent the red tape by making the procedure fast and efficient. But we also offer our services in English to foreigners living in France. For registering a car in France seamlessly, see below (taking a car to France, buying one here). Or continue reading to find out about how to register a car in France, online or offline.

How to register your car in France with Eplaque

We have an automated tool in French to take care of almost any car registration certificate operation. For example:

You can eventually use it, with the help of Google Translate it’s feasible. However, we also propose you a direct way of handling any kind of request, by email, all in English. It works like this:

  1. You write us to explain what kind of operation you are interested in, such as registering your UK car in France, transfer the ownership of a French car, etc.
  2. We will provide you with a list of required documents, and a way to pay the fees
  3. You provide us with all the paperwork and pay
  4. We handle your request
  5. You get your French car certificate at home, via registered mail

To go for this way, simply click on the button below:

Register a French car: the basics

The French car registration system was overhauled in 2009. Before that, the procedures were done in person at the prefecture. Since then, the procedure can only done online via the ANTS website. However, the system has also been semi-privatized. Authorized car registration agents can collect documents & taxes and submit applications. Some have offices, others like us offer streamlined online procedures.

Of course, using an agent induces an extra fee. However, it is often worth the investment given the complexity of the official channel, its lack of timely support, etc. That’s why private agents are very popular, among foreigners but also locals.

In France, a registration follow the car during its whole lifecycle. When a vehicle is sold, the car plate number is transferred to the new owner.

List of documents needed for registering a French car:

If you bought your car in France, the registration process is fairly simple, at least with us. When you buy a French car you must ensure you get from the seller the following documents for registering a car in France:

  • Carte grise barrée (crossed registration certificate, at the name of the seller unless it’s a company)
  • French MOT certificate (contrôle technique), that cannot be older than 6 months, or 2 months old in case of partial failure (contre-visite)
  • Certificat de situation administrative (certificate that ensures that the vehicle is clean, e.g. not stolen, no unpaid tickets, no encumbrance, etc.) not older than 2 weeks
  • Certificat de cession (an official form that must be filled in by the seller, signed by you and will be used to register the car)

You will have to provide us with all those documents, plus the following :

  • Proof of identity: usually the driving licence, since you must on the proper driving license to register a car. Foreigners ID card and driving licence are allowed.
  • Proof of address: utility bill, rental contract, property deed…
  • And finally, proof of insurance

Foreign car registration : taking a car to France

If you want to register an imported vehicle, things get more complicated. First, we have to distinguish a car taken to France from the European Union and from the rest of the world. Second, we must determine whether the car has a European certificate of conformity or not.

Register a car taken in France, imported from the European Union

If you import a car from the EU, you have to provide two additional documents to register the car :

  • COC (certificate of conformity) : if you don’t have it, you must request it to the manufacturer. If not available, you must get an RTI instead (see next paragraph)
  • Quitus fiscal : this tax clearance certificate attests that VAT is cleared. There is no VAT to pay to import a used vehicle from the EU, therefore the certificate can be obtained for free at your tax office (the procedure might be online or by mail only).

How to register a UK car in France or from any other non-EU country

If the car doesn’t come from the European Union, for example the UK, Switzerland or Russia, the procedure gets even more complex. You’ll have to get :

  • 846A certificate : this document is issued by French customs. Unless you relocate to France with your own car, you will have to pay 20% VAT and 10% duties to get it. Vintage cars (more than 30 years old, not modified and not manufactured anymore) are eligible to a special flat rate of 6 % (VAT + duties)
  • Réception à titre isolé (RTI) : without COC, taking a UK car to France implies getting an individual approval to get its registration sorted. This procedure is done at a special regional facility called DREAL (outside of Paris) or DRIRE (Paris area).

What’s the cost of registering a car in France ?

It’s impossible to answer precisely this question. Car registration costs depend on many factors, such as :

  • Imported car or not ? From the EU ?
  • Engine power
  • In which region the owner lives
  • How old the car is

For clean vehicles, it can be free. For muscle cars it can cost a few thousands euros. You can simulate the price (in French) with this tool.

If you register an imported car, you also might have to pay VAT and/or duties (form 846A from the customs). If you move to France with your foreign car, in most cases you will be exempted of VAT and duties. Imported cars up to 10 years old are subject to the « malus écologique », a special tax based on CO2 emissions.

If the car does not have a European certificate of conformity, you will also have to pass a conformity check at the DREAL or DRIRE. If some elements don’t comply with European rules, you might have to make some modifications to the car. Those certification costs can range from a few hundred euros to a few thousands.

For all those reasons, it is highly recommended to assess properly the financial cost of importing a car before doing so. Indeed, it might be more economical to sell that car in your country and buy another one that is already registered in France.

Registering a classic car in France

In France, a classic car can be registered as any other car. The owner, however, can choose to request the mention « collection » on the « carte grise ». This gives valuable privileges to the vehicle, such as :

  • Exemption of the rules regarding low-emission zones in Paris and other big cities
  • MOT every 5 years instead of 2
  • Authorization to use black vintage plates

If you do want such special vintage registration, you’ll have to get an « attestation de datation et de caractéristiques » from the FFVE (Old-timers French Federation). In order to be eligible, the vehicle must :

  • Be at least 30 years old
  • Not be produced anymore
  • Be in its original state, substantial modifications are not allowed (e.g. retrofitting)

More info in our article about importing a classic car in France.


Can a car be registered in UK and France?


Can I drive in France a car registered in the UK or somewhere else?

If your main residence is not in France, yes. However the car cannot stay more than one year on the French territory without leaving it.

What car documents to take to France?

You need all the documents that are required in your country (registration certificate, MOT, proof of insurance valid in France, driving license).

Can I register a car in France on a foreign address?

No, you must provide a French proof of address for your registration to be accepted.

Can I take a hire car to France?

Sure, foreign hire cars can be used in France if the company allows cross border usage.

Can you take a dog to France by car?

Yes, but 3 things are required: a EU animal health certificate, a microchip and a valid rabies vaccination.

What do you need to take your car to France?

Can I take my car to France? Yes. What do you need so that it’s legal? A valid insurance.

What food can i take to France in my car?

Anything but meat or dairy products, or products containing those.  You can bring a limited quantity of fruit and vegetables as well as eggs, egg products and honey. Restricted quantities of fish or fish products are also allowed. Weight can never exceeds 2 kg.

Une question ?

Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais.

Les questions des utilisateurs

  • Sam Fawahl

    21 octobre 2024

    Hello, Can you help with recommending an agent who can help me register a car that has been imported from Germany to France? Thank you
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 octobre 2024

      For the registration process itself, we do that. If you want full assistance (getting the paperwork for you), there are such companies (mandataire importation de voiture), but we don't know which ones are the best, sorry.
  • Andy

    18 septembre 2024

    Hi, When importing a vehicle from the UK (specifically a van), what value is used for the import duty and TVA calculation; the amount i paid in the UK, or the French market value for an equivalent vehicle? Thanks, Andy
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 septembre 2024

      French market value for the equivalent.
  • Richard AYLING

    23 juillet 2024

    I want to import a 2003 Landrover Defender 90 County TD5, it is a pickup version (light commercial). I have obtained an Attestation d'Identification from Jaguar Landrover France. I am a resident in France since 2019 and I am buying the vehicle from a private UK seller. I can gather all the forms that you will need for obtaining a carte grise with the exception of a customs form, 846A. All websites say I need a form 846A but nowhere can I find out how to physically go about actually getting one. Can you assist me? Is there an online service to get the certificate?
    • Logo Eplaque


      24 juillet 2024

      You have to go to the closest customs office, this map will help (the location must be a little house with a turquoise background "BUREAU DE DOUANE): Take all the documents with you (invoice, log book, etc.).
  • Millard Katherine

    23 juillet 2024

    I have brought my car with me to France. It is a 2022 Nissan Leaf e+ tekna. I wish to register this car in France. I have a 846A Certificate. Please can you help me with this
    • Logo Eplaque


      24 juillet 2024

      Yes, we can process your registration. Please make sure the paperwork is complete (you also need an RTI from the DREAL). Send us all the documents by email at and we will kick off the process, our fee is EUR 68.9.
  • John Bradshaw

    15 juillet 2024

    I am trying to register my UK registered car in France. I have the original European Certificate of Conformity (CoC) issued by the manufacturers (Mercedes). I am being told I need to provide another Certificate of Conformity from Mercedes (France) or have the car inspected by DREAL. Mercedes (Germany) and Mercedes (UK) have both told me there is only one European CoC. It is valid in all countries of the EU. They also tell me that a car made for the U.K. or France is the same CoC, the steering wheel on the left or right is of no consequence. Can you please advise. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards. John
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 juillet 2024

      UK cars with a COC still needs to pay a visit to the DREAL. They will simply check that the headlight direction has been switched to the opposite, and that miles have been converted to km. Before that, you would have to pass by a Mercedes dealer to make those tiny adjustments.
  • Gary Russell

    3 juillet 2024

    Hello sorry, i asked a question earlier about importing a motorcycle into France, it is an lrish motorcycle. thanks again
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 juillet 2024

      Comments appear once they are moderated, thank you for your understanding.
  • Gary Russell

    3 juillet 2024

    Hello, we are going to France on a long visa with the intention of buying a home, we will rent a house first so we will have an address, i want to take my motorcycle and register it there, is this possible? what documents will i need and where do you take them when in France?? Thank you.
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 juillet 2024

      Once you have a proof of address, you can legally register a vehicle. Documents needed are listed under "List of documents needed for registering a French car" (it's basically the same). Just one remark: since April 15, there is a motorcycle MOT. If yours is older than 5 year, you'll need a "contrôle technique" to register it.
  • Natasha

    2 juillet 2024

    Good Day, I would like to import the car from Germany to France. The cost of registering a car in France depends on CO2 emission. Where the info on the CO2 emission is taken from? Which document is taken as a proof? Is it mentioned in COC? If yes, shall I anyway make CO2 tests here in France?
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 juillet 2024

      In principle, this info is taken from the registration certificate, which originally got it from the COC. However, in Germany there are several emissions values, we therefore have to check on the COC the combined cycle value to correctly report CO2, and get the right tax calculation. Let us however clarify that this CO2 tax must be paid for first registrations in France only (new car, or any imported car). In case of second hand imported car, there is a discount for every year of age. Therefore, it might be attractive to import a German car that has several years. However, for recent and powerful cars, this tax will be quite expensive (can be thousands, if not tens of thousands euros), it's better to try finding a similar car in France, because there won't be any CO2 tax on it.
  • Lord Richard

    5 juin 2024

    Bonjour. J’habite en Angleterre mais je travaille en France. Si j’achète une voiture en France et je veux la laisser en France, faut-il une résidence en France? Merci d’avance
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 juin 2024

      Oui, pour immatriculer un véhicule en France vous devez être en mesure de présenter un justificatif de domicile sur place.
  • Luke

    27 mai 2024

    I have a car registered and stationed in Malta that I would like to import into France. My primary residence is in France. Can the process of registering my car in France be done while the car is still in Malta?
    • Logo Eplaque


      28 mai 2024

      Maybe. If you have all the documents, including a Maltese MOT not older than 6 months, yes.
  • Alan

    19 mai 2024

    I have been resident in france for nearly 4 years. I have a residency card article 50 and a french driving licence. I am a British citizen with a UK passport. Can I drive my daughter's English registered vehicle when she comes to visit me. And if so, how long can the vehicle be here for. Thank you.
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mai 2024

      This is tricky. If she is in the car, no problem. If she is not around, it will depend on the policemen. He might suspect you to use a foreign registered car. They might choose to immobilise the car until your daughter comes on site to explain.
  • Eric Papoyans

    17 mai 2024

    Hello I am inporting my car from the US and need the services of someone who can navigate the DRIRE and registration plus modification if any on the car. can you help with an introduction thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mai 2024

      In short, you have to visit a dealer so that he makes sure that the car fulfills European requirements. There might be some parts to replace, it depends on the model. Once it's done, you take an appointment with the DRIRE. They will have a look at the car and documents, then schedule another appointment with the UTAC. They will perform some tests (pollution, etc.). Then back to DREAL for final approval. To do this process, you can request temp WW plates (4 months validity). There are companies that can take care of the whole process for you, but then it will cost even more.
  • Rod Dawson

    13 mai 2024

    Pouvez-vous enregistrer un vélo solex pour moi ? Il n'a jamais été enregistré auparavant. Doit-il être assuré même s’il n’est pas utilisé ? Combien coûtera votre prestation ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      14 mai 2024

      Oui, l'assurance est obligatoire. Nous pouvons uniquement nous charger des dossiers de véhicules jamais immatriculés accompagnés d'une attestation FFVE (pour la mention collection), et dont l'historique de propriété est clairement établi.
  • John Upton

    30 avril 2024

    My wife and I bought a new camping car in France in 2021. It is registered in France in our joint names. My wife is French by birth and I have obtained a French nationality also. I bought my half in cash, my wife has a finance agreement for her half. Her credit agreement is proving absorbent and I want to pay it off for her. We are elderly and we agree that the Carte Grise should thus be changed so that I am registered as the sole owner. How can this be achieved?

    28 avril 2024

    I wish to import a 2005 LAND ROVER DEFENDER 90 LHD which has been seriously modified. BHP is now 187. Cost was £35k. No COC, but MOT is good. I have a house in Provence at which I have already registered 3 cars. What would you advise?
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 avril 2024

      This is not an impossible task, but it won't be easy at all because of the modifications, that will require individual approval. We guess it depends on how much you want that car.
  • Steve Roberts

    28 mars 2024

    J'ai l'intention d'acheter une 2006 BMW 650 qui etait importe de Japon en Allemagne. En ce moment, la voiture est registre en Allemagne, mais sera mettre sur une plaque d'exportation, afin de la conduire en France. Quelles sont les documents necessaire afin d'effectuer registration de cette voiture en France?
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 mars 2024

      Vous avez besoin d'un quitus fiscal pour la partie "importation" du dossier (gratuit). Par contre, vu que le véhicule vient du Japon il n'a pas de certificat de conformité européen. Cela implique de devoir faire une réception à titre isolé (individual approval) à la DREAL. Vous aurez besoin d'un certificat de conformité partielle (barré rouge) de la part du constructeur pour pouvoir la faire.
  • Alayan

    27 mars 2024

    Hallo, i was living in germany and i have 'y car registered on my name in ger'many with German license. Now i moved to France and i am living in France and i am in my immigration process and i have the recipe till 01.2025 what are the possibilities to register the car in france and what i need for that. Thank
    • Logo Eplaque


      28 mars 2024

      You'll find detailed explanations on this page. If you require specific clarifications, we will be happy to clarify.
  • Jiri Tvrdik

    6 mars 2024

    I've imported my 2011 Toyota RAV4 from the U.S. It has it's temporary plates and I finally had my appointment at the DREAL near Poitiers on May 25, 2023. I asked Toyota France for an EU compliance. However, they would not change it. The inspector for the Vienne then became ill and has not returned to work. I have been unable to find a company to make the changes to the RAV needed to reach compliance. I just found out about your company. Do you have a recommendation for a company to make the needed changes? I'm anxious to move forward with obtaining a registration for my vehicle.
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 mars 2024

      It's weird that Toyota won't change the car. We are specialized in car registration procedures, therefore we don't have specific recommendations regarding such work. We can just suggest contacting independent garages near you, or a company specialized in that field. Google "homologation voiture USA" to find them.
  • Susan Kimber

    21 février 2024

    Hello, I want to register my UK 2013 right-hand drive Citroen C4 Grand Picasso in France. I have the tax clearance form, a current CT and a COC from Citroen in France. Do I also need an RTI from the DREAL or will the COC be acceptable?
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 février 2024

      A basic RTI will be required.
  • Terence Fisher

    10 février 2024

    Hello, I am French and living in France I purchased a new VW 1.6 Polo in October 20018 in Spain where I had holiday accommodation I have all of the legal documentation for this vehicle. I would like to register this Spanish vehicle in France and have French plaques. Could you do this for me, how long would it take, and what is the cost? Thank you.
    • Logo Eplaque


      12 février 2024

      Yes, we can take care of that for you, provided that you procure the "quitus fiscal" (tax certificate, free of charge for second hand cars from Spain) and the other usual paperwork. Getting a temporary registration is a matter of 1 or 2 days. It will be valid 4 months. For the permanent registration, it will take from 2 weeks to 2 months. Cost is around EUR 65 for temp registration, taxes and our fee included. For permanent registration our fee is 68 EUR + taxes (hard to assess, it depends on CO2 emissions, fiscal power, and your region).
  • Ian McVicar

    6 février 2024

    J'ai vous envoyer un email sur votre site web(en Anglaise) Avez-vous le recu s'il vous plait? Merci Cordialement Ian McVicar
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 février 2024

      We'll get back to you shortly, if not done already.

    2 février 2024

    My wife is buying a Spanish registered classic car (over 40 years old) which we plan to register in France. The complication is we plan to buy the car on 19 February but we are moving home in France. We are due to complete the sale of our house in Nice on the 15th February, but due to problems with the Cadastre we are unlikely to complete our purchase until early April. In the gap period we will stay at our home in the UK. My wife is a UK national (applying for French nationality as her mother was French) and has a Carte de Sejour and a French Autoentrpreneur business. We really want to register the car in France as soon as we have bought it. Can this be done? Thank you
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 février 2024

      Unfortunately it is possible only once you can provide a proof of address in France. Presale contracts or such things are not valid.
  • Nick

    1 février 2024

    Hi. I don't understand, from reading this, how much of the necessary document gathering you undertake to do in this process, and how much you would require me to do. I would like to register my 2016 VW Golf Mk 7 1.4 TSi (petrol engine) in France, where I have been for five months and now intend to remain. (The car is currently registered in the UK, but I have it here with me in France at the moment.) At what point in the process (that I would like you to take on for me) would I need to have a carte grise, and when would I need to get the controle technique certificate? In the UK, my MOT is next due in July (as is my current UK-issued insurance cover). Presumably I need successfully to have imported the car in order then to be able to get it insured here. How does that work in terms of being covered at all times during the process? I have proof of address here, justicatif, etc., but I would obviously want the import/registration process and insurance coverage to be a seamless matter. Please advise...
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 février 2024

      Our service is limited to the registration itself. In other words, we cannot help in order to gather the required paperwork, such as the 846A certificate or the RTI.
  • Barney Waylen

    31 janvier 2024

    I am UK domiciled and resident in the UK for tax purposes. I have owned a second home in France since 1985. I wish to buy a french registered car to be left in France for use whilst staying from time to time in my second home. I have been advised that this is not possible without acquiring a carte de sejour (ie french residency) whereas your site says that I only need to prove that I merely have a place of residence, ie by proof of ownership of my second home. Can you help me please?
    • Logo Eplaque


      1 février 2024

      We confirm that it's possible, many people in your situation have done it. 2 years ago, French officials even confirmed that it is perfectly legal to register a car as a non resident, as far as you can comply with all the requirements (proof of address, driving licence, etc.). Even illegals are not barred to do so. We actually got the info from an expat media in English: The only caveat is that you should never go home with that car.
  • Robert

    28 janvier 2024

    Do I have to own the classic car for six months before I can import it to france.
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 janvier 2024


    18 janvier 2024

    I have transferred the ownership of a vehicle CE021XM to my son, this vehicle has now been moved to Portugal to be registered and used. How do I record this to the French ministry so that my son is not fined for not registering the vehicle in France?
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 janvier 2024

      He won't be fined, but it's better to notify the authorities that the vehicle registration is "cancelled". To do so, you have to fill and sign with him a "certificat de cession" (form:, then declare this transfer ownership online. We can take care of it, if you wish.
  • Stefan

    1 janvier 2024

    I am planning to buy a 6 month old, 2.4 ton, mercedes electric car, that will have covered more than 6000km, in Germany or Holland and import it to where I live in the Dordogne. Assuming I use your registration service what are my total importing costs likely to be?
    • Logo Eplaque


      2 janvier 2024

      There are no duties/VAT for EU cars with more than 6,000 km AND older than 6 months. With our service you'll pay EUR 82.66, all included (car registration + our fee).Don't forget you need the certificate of conformity, and the quitus fiscal to register such a en car.
  • Udayveer Mittal

    19 décembre 2023

    I have imported a 1937 Austin to France, have obtained the ww registration. How do I get the third party insurance done as no company is willing to do the insurance as they want a copy of insurance of my primary car which should not be a vintage car. I do not have a primary car. I'm not a resident of France . I only have a holiday home there and will keep my vintage car there and use it only when I'm there for vacation. So how do I get insurance so that I can finally register my car.
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 décembre 2023

      Usually it's possible to do the insurance on the WW, but we are not very familiar with such a particular case as yours. Try with Clavel, they are often successfully used for vintage cars and WW by our customers :
  • Keith Beauvais

    8 décembre 2023

    I have a 2007 Camry Hybrid, that was not sold or produced in France (produced in Japan), No COC. It was my mothers car, when she died it came to me. I now live near Pau, 6400. I had the car shipped to France in 2019, and it has been in storage since. I have the 846 A and have had taken it to Toyota in Pau, and a local car specialist to get it to pass inspection. It has not gotten the COC yet. My problem is that I want a specialist to get the correct paperwork done, so it can be driven in France. Would you know of someone or company that can do this for me?
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 décembre 2023

      We don't have anybody to refer, sorry. You'll find specialized companies by searching on "mandataire homologation de véhicule".

    1 décembre 2023

    Bonjour On a une Saab 2.3 rhd qu'on a acheté en Angleterre. On a fait la Controle Technique - tout ok - et malgré cecj le garage a eu un refus de registrstion parce que le Certificat de Conformité (voiture 1ere matruculatikn en Gb en 2006) a le mention que la voiture est pour un pays ou on conduit sur la gauche de la route!! On a eu des Saabs ici en France pendant 25+ ans et on les a fait matriculé ici toujours sans probleme...donc ce refus est pénible! Est ce qu il y a une solution svp? Merci en avance
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 décembre 2023

      Pour les volants à droite il faut faire une RTI à la DREAL, notamment pour vérifier que l'orientation des phares a bien été corrigée.
  • Surtee Shazmeen

    16 novembre 2023

    Bonjour, j'ai ma voiture anglaise Hyundai i30 2012. Je l'ai ramene sur Paris car je suis French resident (UK passport avec titre de sejour francais, addresse permanente en France et Angleterre). Je voulais l'enregistrer/l'immatriculer en France mais vu que je l'avais achete en Avril 2021 (2 ans et demi) en seconde-main en UK, je n'ai pas le COC, je n'ai que le V5C. J'ai du mal a suivre les demarche de registering a car in France et je voulais connaitre les couts associes ie VAT, COC, notaire etc. J'ai rempli le CERFA. Comment faire pour avoir plaques + carte grise. Je ne comprends pas le 846A form - si j'ai achete la voiture en 2021, dois-je encore payer le VAT 20% etc (ce qui semble couter cher, du genre 5000?) ? Je voudrais faire appel a votre expertise si vous m'aider a estimer les couts + si vous m'aidez a faire l'immatriculation totale du vehicule + plaque + carte grise etc, et en m'aidant avec les papiers. Dois-je prendre la formule "Carte grise véhicule étranger à partir de 68,90 €" sur votre site? Merci d'avance!
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 novembre 2023

      Toute importation d'un pays hors Union implique des frais de douane. Vous devrez payer 20 % de TVA et 10 % de droits de douane. Pour les personnes qui viennent s'installer en France avec un véhicule à leur nom il y a exemption de ces frais, mais votre installation en France doit être récente (6 mois, de mémoire) pour que vous puissiez bénéficier de cette exonération. Il y aura également des frais à prévoir pour la RTI (homologation individuelle). Si vous n'êtes pas exonéré des frais de douane, il est probablement plus rationnel de vendre sur place et d'acheter un véhicule similaire en France. Vous économiserez de l'argent et aussi du temps.
  • George

    27 octobre 2023

    Hello, I have a very strange case. I work on a cruise ship on Seine river. Last week I decided to buy a car and use it in my free time to explore France. The car I bought from a second hand dealership with all paper works in order. Valid Carte Grise and valid Control Technique. Yesterday I tried to transfer the Carte Griss on my name and the website didn't allow me to because I don't have French address. The ship I work on its a moving object therefore i cannot provide a address. Please advise me on how to proceed from now on. I still have 3 more weeks to do something about the Carte Grise.
    • Logo Eplaque


      27 octobre 2023

      Indeed you need a proof of address in France. Your situation is similar to the one that applies to sailors. In that case you need an employment certificate from your employer, and a "certificate of residence" according to the law. I'm not sure what the latter is, maybe your human resources or your prefecture will be able to assist.
  • Ali

    2 octobre 2023

    Hi I have found a nice car with good and good price. The problem is the car has germane number plate and peppers. If I buy this car how can I register in France ( I live in France) and how much will it cost? Thank you! If you answer it will be very helpful.
    • Logo Eplaque


      3 octobre 2023

      See under the title "Register a car taken in France, imported from the European Union" about the required paperwork. The cost cannot be assessed without knowing the year of the car, its CO2 emissions, its fiscal power and your region. You can find out more by reading our article dedicated to car registration costs in France.
  • Olga

    28 septembre 2023

    If car is CD plate, where to go to change license plate? What yo do?! SOS!!!! It is impossible to find information!!!
    • Logo Eplaque


      28 septembre 2023

      You need to submit a request to the ANTS, I believe this is the right place : Maybe you need to do the standard procedure for transferring the ownership, but you'll have to provide extra documentation.
  • Robert

    27 septembre 2023

    Hello. I would like to register my car with Dutch license plates in France. It is a 2006 fiat Sedici 1.6 and was purchased 2 years ago from a used car dealer in The Netherlands. I don't have any COC documents.
    • Logo Eplaque


      28 septembre 2023

      In that case you have to buy the COC to Fiat.
  • Sebastian Kapstö

    19 septembre 2023

    Good afternoon, I have currently have a Swedish registered car here in Paris. The car is registered in the name of my mother(swedish) and has now been given to me as a gift. It is a Volvo V60 year 2011, I would like to register this car in France in my name. How can this be easiest done and what are the requirements as well as estimated costs? Thank you for your help Kind regards Sebastian
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 septembre 2023

      We cannot assess precisely costs without knowing the engine type. Fiscal power of that model can range from 9 CV to 21. Best case taxes will be around EUR 220 + service fee if you use our service. Worse case around 460. It's probably easier to deal with us :) About requirements, see under "Register a car taken in France, imported from the European Union".
  • Bruce Campbell

    16 septembre 2023

    Dear Sir/Maam I am a Swiss Nationality and currently residing in France. My insurance Company called and informed to transfer my plaque by the end of the year. My Car is Dodge Journey year 2015. What are the process i have to go through registering my car to France. Thank you and looking forward for your response Bruce
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 septembre 2023

      The process and required paperwork are described under the title "Foreign car registration : taking a car to France"
  • Adam smith

    9 septembre 2023

    J’ai un voiture anglaise CObra immatriculation anglaise construit en 2016 et voudrais changer l’immatriculation au français avec carte gris français, est ce qu’il est possible mais sinon comment j’assure la voiture en France sans un contrôle technique.
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 septembre 2023

      Il n'est pas possible d'obtenir une assurance française sans immatriculation. Pour le dossier vous pouvez joindre une déclaration sur l'honneur dans laquelle vous vous engagez à assurer le véhicule une fois qu'il sera immatriculé, en lieu et place de l'attestation.
  • Warren Séverine

    4 septembre 2023

    Bonjour Mon mari, Christopher Warren, vous adressé un mail pour connaître le coût d'importation d'une voiture de seconde main anglaise. Pourriez-vous svp lui répondre ? Son mail était suffisamment détaillé. Je suis joignable au 06 75 90 12 06. Merci
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 septembre 2023

      Nous allons vous répondre dès que possible, merci pour votre patience.
  • Peace Charles

    30 août 2023

    Bonjour. I have inherited a car from my sister who passed away last year, and have been the legal owner since January this year. I would like to bring the car to France now from the UK, and need to know the full procedure and costs involved. I am a French resident (6 years), hold a 'Carte de Sejour' and live in the Gironde (33). The car itself is a Fiat 500 C Pop Star Convertible, date of first registration 14.10.2016 I look forward to your response. CDT Charles Peace
    • Logo Eplaque


      31 août 2023

      You'll have to provide a certified translation of the notary documents that prove that you are the legal owner + an RTI (individual approval) + a 846A certificate from the French customs + usual paperwork to register a car (insurance, proof of address and identity, V5C, etc.). It is difficult to assess precisely the costs of such operation without details (market value of the car, CO2 emissions, etc.). If I had to say a number, maybe EUR 5,000-7,000.
  • Erdem Isikli

    26 août 2023

    Hello, I recently moved from france to poland, i registered my french car in poland and i was issued a polish license plate and registration paper. French carte grise and french plates were taken in by polish authorities and exchanged with polish ones. Now i need to de-register my car in france and end my insurance. How do i do this? Do you have a service for this? Thank you
    • Logo Eplaque


      28 août 2023

      This process is done through the "enregistrement de cession", which could be translated by sale registration. Ideally you should have filled this form from yourself in France to yourself in Poland, then declare it online (for example, via us). It might be useless now, if Poland has notified France that the car has been registered. I think you can check that by issuing the administrative status report of your car, here : If you see something like registration cancelled, you don't have to do anything. Otherwise it's better to register the "sale", so you are sure you won't be chased in case someone uses a copy of that license plate.
  • Tom

    22 août 2023

    Hi, I am considering moving to France and would wish to bring one of my cars with me. It is a classic (1965) but heavily modified (including different engine). The manufacturer no longer exists. Would it be possible to register the car in France? Thanks!
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 août 2023

      You can register it, but not as vintage since it has been modified. It will require an individual approval, which complexifies the procedure.
  • Repil2

    15 août 2023

    Buying a large new trailer from Ireland, EU ANTS say its not on the CNRV database or registered ANTS say "Hello To be registered in France, the manufacturer must contact the department in charge of data coding at “” to request the "cnitage" of its type approval. If the latter does not carry out this operation, the ANTS will not be able to issue the registration certificate. Regards" Are you able to register it in France for me?
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 août 2023

      We will hit the same wall. Any approved vehicle in Europe must have, on top of an EU approval number, a specific French number called CNIT. What they call "cnitage" is getting that CNIT ("cniting" if you wish), a field that must appear on the title. The manufacturer or the importer should do that procedure.
  • Jose Noel

    14 août 2023

    Hi, Our family is moving to France, I'm a French expat moving back so I'm not concerned about the VAT. We want to bring our 2019 sport Range rover but we have concern on the new Malus ecologies tax, any suggestion. Thank you
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 août 2023

      C'est une inquiétude légitime. Pour un véhicule importé on calcule le malus sur base de la grille en vigueur lors de l'année de la première immatriculation, donc 2019 en ce qui vous concerne. À l'époque le tarif maximum était de 10.500 € pour 191 g de CO2. Votre Range Rover devrait y être. Cela dit vous ne devrez pas payer l'intégralité de ce montant, vous bénéficierez d'une réduction de 10 % par année entamée d'ancienneté. En fonction de la date exacte d'immatriculation et du dépôt de la demande, vous bénéficierez donc d'une réduction de 40 ou 50 %. Ce qui fait quand même un malus de plus de 5.000 €.
  • Robert M.Love

    8 août 2023

    In April 2023 a fire destroyed our garage and its contents. As a result in May 2023 we bought another car. At the time we completed all the documentation and gave the garage a cheque for the Carte Grise. We were told it would take about a month! It is now August and still no Carte Grise. What can we do?
    • Logo Eplaque


      8 août 2023

      Did you import it from the UK? If it's the case it might be "normal", such requests can take such a long time.
  • Stephen Walker

    4 août 2023

    I am attempting to matriculate my English car in France. I have gone through numerous steps to the satisfaction of my local office (limoux), but I am now told that I need a certificate 846A....... This looks very complicated, and possibly expensive. Can you help/advice.
    • Logo Eplaque


      4 août 2023

      That's indeed the case, you need to visit a French customs office to get that document. If you relocated recently you won't have to pay VAT (20%) or duties (10%).
  • Claude Lewenz

    18 juillet 2023

    Can I purchase a holiday home in France, import my LHD 1969 Alfa Romeo Spider (a 54-year old historic car) I have owned since 1990 (in original condition, no modifications), and register it at my French holiday without becoming a French resident? I hold three passports: New Zealand (where I am resident), USA (where I was born and where I last registered the Alfa Romeo... I never got it on the road in NZ) and Germany (where I hold citizenship but have never been resident). I wish to retain my New Zealand driver license and would only stay in France for 90 days or less. I am 72 and am getting tired of the July-September winters in the southern hemisphere.
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 juillet 2023

      Yes, it's possible.
  • Sal

    18 juillet 2023

    We are thinking of buying a 2006 car from a friend (not resident but homeowner) here in France. It is registered in Guernesey but is located at the friends' second home (France) We are French residents with our Titre de Séjours. I think it may be easier if the friend imports it before we buy it as the Douanes have said that we would have to pay the tax and also a penalty for not registering the car upon its arrival. I am waiting to hear how much the penalty would be.... Any advice on the easiest method to get reregistered in France? Thanks in anticipation, Sally
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 juillet 2023

      For you it will be way easier to register it after your friend gets the French registration certificate. Especially if customs plan to add a fine. Unless it is a special car, selling might not be worth it at the end of the day since he has to pay VAT and duties, individual approval procedure costs, etc.
  • Michael Isherwood

    16 juillet 2023

    Hello, I would like to get a quotation for registering a UK car in France where I have relocated this year (from the UK)
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 juillet 2023

      Our fee is EUR 68,9, on top of that you will have to pay taxes.
  • Ian Higgins

    9 juillet 2023

    Hello and thank you in advance for your help. I am about to buy a second hand car in England, and intend to travel to France for just over 3 weeks with the car. As soon as I buy it I will apply for the V5C Uk registration document (“logbook”) in my name, but there is a risk it won’t arrive from the UK authorities by the time I leave. I have heard it is compulsory to carry a V5C when driving my own car in France - is it sufficient to have a copy of the registration slip sent to DVLA and/ or purchase details? Could you point me towards the law which permits this, if so? Thank you again!
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 juillet 2023

      You need a valid logbook to travel anywhere abroad. I'm not sure how it works in the UK... if you have the previous logbook in your hands, it's fine. If you don't, they won't accept a registration slip.
  • Darren Goode

    5 juillet 2023

    Hi I'm buying a 12 year old motorhome that was originally french registered but was then taken to England and registered there, I am a french residents and want to re registerer back in France
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 juillet 2023

      Hi, you have to follow the standard procedure to register a vehicle imported from the UK (846A and RTI), its previous French origin has no impact on the procedure.
  • carl Tschudin

    5 juillet 2023

    I have motorbike that I bought in the UK, I am now living Brussels, I would like to take to bike from Brussels to Paris. How do I do this?
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 juillet 2023

      If you live in Belgium, you must register your bike there. I'm not sure how it's done, we are working on the French market.
  • Konarski

    22 juin 2023

    Hi i have purchased Belgium car in france, fixed it, get QF, ct , all the documents original logbook, Coc, purchase documents, insurance and proof of address, submitted the documents twice now and both times they refused to register that the previous owners should import the car themselves. Tried to explain that as I elderly couple they couldn’t face the problem of paperwork and decided to sell it to me and get French car from garage. Is there a legal obligation against me regarding the car? Couldn’t find anything online. Regards Tina
    • Logo Eplaque


      23 juin 2023

      If I understood well, you bought the car to Belgian people who took their residence in France, and sold you their car with Belgian plates. If that's the case, I can understand the refusal, since there is an obligation to register locally the car for the Belgian owners. To avoid that problem, they should have mentioned their Belgian address as on the title, then it would have been considered as a standard import car.
  • Marie Tomlinson

    21 mars 2023

    I need to register my car , we have bought a house and it is week 3 of our arrival, can you help
    • Logo Eplaque


      22 mars 2023

      Yes, but we can only handle the paperwork to register the car, we cannot assist in getting it.
  • Alex

    19 mars 2023

    Good morning, Please let me know if you can assist me in registering my vehicle BMW 440 2018 in France. The vehicle was purchased in Germany in 2019 and currently has expired German transit plates on it. Thanks Alex
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 mars 2023

      We can help, provided that you have gathered all the required paperwork (mainly the "quitus fiscal" and the COC).
  • Jim Darragh

    12 mars 2023

    I am a UK resident with a French second home, can I buy, register and insure a car I buy in france? Can you assist?
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 mars 2023

      Yes, this is legal, as confirmed last year by the Ministry of Interior. We will be glad to assist you. Just bear in mind that you won't be allowed to drive that car in the UK though.
  • Robert

    8 mars 2023

    Hi I have owned a house in France since 2003, became resident in 2020 managed to register my 13 yr old mercedes to which i had a coc for but still had to go to dreal and pay them. This was done through my insurance broker. The problem i have is i am not allowed to tow my trailers anymore. One is a bateson transporter for my classic car, classic car being the next issue. gross wt 2600 kgs year 1996 certificates of conformity were only available from 2013. the manufactures have sent me the trailer specification sheet which they say is sufficient to register it in France. The trailer has been in France since 2017. My other trailer is a 2200 kgs gross. 4 wheel box trailer Conway trailers ltd I purchase this trailer around 1995 so no coc either. This has also been in France for several years. Can you help on these matters please.
    • Logo Eplaque


      8 mars 2023

      We can handle the paperwork, but we are not involved in getting the required documents such as 846A or RTI from the Dreal (individual approval if no COC).
  • Cat Amato

    3 mars 2023

    My car is registered in France, but I did not realise I needed to be a resident. I used the address of my maison secondaire to buy the car. No one informed me that this was not possible. I think i must import the car to U.K., but I don’t know how to tell ANTS that the car needs to be unregistered. I do not have an ANTS account as I do not pay tax in France. What should I do?
    • Logo Eplaque


      3 mars 2023

      You actually don't have to be a resident to register a car. It has been confirmed officially last year by the ministry of Interior. You can anyway register the transfer ownership to yourself in the UK, no worries. As a registered agent we can do it for you in English.
  • Jacob

    23 février 2023

    Hello, I am from the UK, I was granted french residency last year, and unfortunately I listened to what I believe is bad advice regarding my vehicle. I work a few times a year in the UK, and I return at least twice a year with my vehicle, which is registered at my parents address, they are also named drivers. The vehicle looks like a motorhome, but the DVLA rejected my application, and it is still classed as PHGV, Specialized, mobile unit. Inside there is a bed + furniture+ kitchen, and also an office space. The vehicle weighs 5.5T. my driving licence has not yet expired. I was told that while I still have the UK licence, and as long as the vehicle was insured and passed MOT, that I could still keep it in France, until the time my licence expires....this may not be true... I am very concerned about doing something wrong, please can you advise best for this situation. Thank you
    • Logo Eplaque


      23 février 2023

      If your main residence is in France, you are supposed to register your vehicle here (law says you have 1 month to do so). If the police stops you and notice that your main residence is in France, they will force you to register it in France. If your main address is still in the UK, there is no problem, you can use it in France.
  • Karen Davies

    16 février 2023

    Hello, Could you let me know how to register an English trailer (more than 500kg) in France please? My main residence is in France. Many thanks.
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 février 2023

      It's the same procedure as the standard one described on the page, except this difference: since trailers are not registered in the UK, you'll have to provide some kind of proof of ownership (e.g. the invoice of the trailer).
  • Marian

    18 janvier 2023

    Hello, I move to France from The Netherlands and I want to register my the car in France. I went through your order form online and it askes me to pay already around 200 euro. Are these all the money involved or are there other fees? I was also expecting that we will check together the docs before paying. How can I reach out and speak by phone to someone in english? Thank you!
    • Logo Eplaque


      19 janvier 2023

      This price includes the taxes that we collect on behalf of the authorities, and our fee. We can do the procedure outside the online automated system, in English. To do so, you can email us at, or call us : 01 84 80 28 27
  • William

    17 janvier 2023

    I have a house in France but am resident in the UK. I want to have a little car to keep in France. They say second hand cars are cheaper in the UK. Especially left hand drive ones. Would it make sense to buy a car in the UK and export it? A Peugeot 206 from 2005 for instance?
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 janvier 2023

      No, because you will have to pay duties and VAT (30%) + do an individual approval. Unless cars are half price in the UK, which is hard to believe... it would end up being more expensive, and on top you'll get extra red tape hassle associated with the registration of a car coming from outside the EU.
  • Yamuna Mundade

    4 janvier 2023

    I am an Indian expat living in France under a Swiss carte de legitimation and I have a residence in France. I am holder of an Indian driving license. I have an old car registered in France, which I am in the process of selling and am buying a new car in its place. I need to undertake French registration for the new car. Please email me, or I can be reached on +41794403171
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 janvier 2023

      We can take care of the registration, just email us the documents at once you are ready, or to ask any question.

    2 décembre 2022

    I have been living in France but now I need to move outside France but plan to keep my home as a vacation home and would also like to keep my car (registered and purchased in France). I started the process to obtain a French license but now that I am leaving, is it possible to have an insurance policy that does not require a French license since I will not be living full time in France?
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 décembre 2022

      You got your insurance with a foreign driving license, right? Therefore there is no reason the insurance company would require a French license, especially if you don't fulfill the conditions in which you must, by law, exchange your foreign license with a French one.
  • Heidi

    12 novembre 2022

    I am a US expat living in Germany and have a EU spec vehicle. I am retiring next year and moving to France. Can I register my vehicle before I leave Germany as long as I have a rental contract in France? Because of my situation I will have temp (German) plates which are only good for 4 weeks.
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 novembre 2022

      As far as you have a proof of address such as a rental contract, you should be able to register a car in France.
  • Nick Finding

    10 novembre 2022

    Thank you Joachim for the quick response....and good to hear that I was correct to believe it was possible, but it is annoying of course that some officials might not be aware of what they are supposed to approve! Can you confirm to me what happens if the application through you is rejected, would we get our money back please? Also if I use your French tool to start the application, which option do I select because I do not see one that specifically says for importing a vehicle?
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 novembre 2022

      We would refund you the taxes, but not the service fees as we would have spent time to deal with your file anyway. You can send us an email for processing in English. If you want to use the tool, choose "Changement de titulaire" (ownership transfer), then "Etranger" (foreign car).
  • Nick Finding

    9 novembre 2022

    I have all the documents required to apply for a carte grise and re register my Toyota Hilux in France, including the 846A on which I have paid the necessary VAT, but I have recently been advised that because I am not a French resident ANTS is refusing to accept my application. I have had a second home in France for 14 years, I pay French property taxes, but I can not apply via French Connection myself because I do not have a social security number, so are you able to help please?
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 novembre 2022

      This has been recently clarified by French authorities, you can register a car. We can therefore process your application, however we might end up hitting the red tape wall at the end, as sometimes the administration is not well aware of their own rules :) In that case we won't be able to help further, as they have the last word.
  • Pauline Whitaker

    27 octobre 2022

    You sorted a temporary registration for my car which came from Italy What documents do you need to make this temporary French registration permanent
    • Logo Eplaque


      28 octobre 2022

      Maybe the certificate of conformity, if you didn't provide it.
  • Antonio G.

    6 octobre 2022

    Hi. I am planing to take my Portuguese registered car to France. I live in Portugal and it is where I have my home address. My wife lives in France and I would like to have the car there without registering it again. I'm planing to leave the car there for a couple of years (parked at the airport when I'm in Portugal), but I'm also planing to go some weeks abroad in the summer back to Portugal and return to France in the end of summer. Is it possible to do this, knowing the car will stay many years there, but less than one year in a row?
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 octobre 2022

      As far as you keep your main address in Portugal and don't stay more than 12 months in a row in the country, you comply with laws.
  • Sloman

    30 septembre 2022

    I arrived in France in June 2021 with my car. I did not declare it at French customs and am now looking into declaring it at my local customs office so I can begin the process of registering it in France. Given that I have been in France for over 12 months with my car, will there be any customs fees to be paid? I had owned my car for over 6 months when i arrived in France. many thanks, Vicky.
    • Logo Eplaque


      3 octobre 2022

      The fees should be waived.
  • Sha Buyss

    20 septembre 2022

    Dear Joachim, I am replying to your response dated 15 Sept 22 for which I thank you. When I brought my motorcycle from the UK to France, I simply rode it without declaring that I wanted to import it. Now I have decided I want to keep it here in France. I bought the bike in 2011 when it was already 25 years old. It has a very low market value. How would Customs fees and VAT be calculated so long after purchase and how would I obtain the form when I and the bike are already in France? Is that something you can help me with?
    • Logo Eplaque


      21 septembre 2022

      Customs use tools such as the Argus, which provide an estimate of the market value of a vehicle. It should still be possible to get the 846A, contact your nearby customs office for assistance.
  • Sha Buyss

    15 septembre 2022

    I am a UK citizen, but now living in France with a Residency Permit. I have brought my 1986 model (36 years old) BMW motorcycle to France and need to register it in France so I can obtain French insurance for it. I have the registration document and a new MoT. How do you recommend I go about getting French registration and can you assist me in this?
    • Logo Eplaque


      15 septembre 2022

      It would be easier to get the "collection" status by getting an "attestation de datation et de caractéristiques" through the FFVE. This will simplify the process, as with this "vintage certificate" individual approval shouldn't be necessary. Don't forget that you also need a 846A certificate from the customs. We can assist you once you collect all the required paperwork.
  • Trevor ROBERTS

    13 septembre 2022

    French resident. Have bought a 1979 Fiat 124 Spider at auction in the UK…(left-hand drive) It has been UK registered since 2015,but was a U.S. registered vehicle beforehand…Am yet to travel to UK to collect ,but am becoming aware of increasing number of forms/paperwork etc. that will be required. Can you advise as to what I must NOT forget before even bringing the vehicle to France and attempting to register it…? Am very likely to need your service once have collected…
    • Logo Eplaque


      14 septembre 2022

      Before importing the car there is not much you can do. Once the car arrives in France, you must get the 846A certificate. We then advise you to request a "certificat de datation et de caractéristiques" from the FFVE. This will allow you to get the "vintage" classification (collection). Not only you'll benefit from many advantages (MOT every 5 years instead of 2, exemptions of many LEZ rules...), but it will simplify the approval process since the document they will give you can replace the individual approval procedure (RTI).
  • Alex

    13 septembre 2022

    I am uk passport holder living in Portugal but wish to buy a uk registered car and register it in France under my daughter’s name. My daughter is a French citizen and lives and works in France . Will this be easy to do using your service?
    • Logo Eplaque


      13 septembre 2022

      It will be easy for us, but, bear in mind that from your side: 1. The invoice of the car will have to be on the name of your daughter, 2. Since the car is from the UK, it will require an individual approval (RTI) and a 846A certificate from the customs to be registered, 3. You can be mentioned as co-owner on the registration certificate without having an address in France, but only if you provide a European ID document (so from Portugal, if you have such).
  • Amanda

    7 septembre 2022

    We are South African residents. We want to buy, register and insure a motorhome in France to travel in from time to to time (and store in France during periods we do not use it). Will we be allowed to do it? Will your company be able to assist?Please advise.
    • Logo Eplaque


      8 septembre 2022

      From a strict legal point of view, you should be resident to register a car in France. However, in reality it is possible to register a vehicle if you are able to provide a proof of address without risking much (many do). If you don't have something like a second residence in France, it is therefore not possible.
  • Malcolm Smith

    6 septembre 2022

    Dear Sir/Madam, I have imported my Triumph Thruxton 900 (2006) into France from the UK. I will be issued a Form from the Customs, confirming that I have No Import Duties or Tax to pay on the vehicle, as I am a Resident. I have the Original UK Registration Certificate and a current Vehicle Test Certificate. I also have the Manufacturer's Certificate of Conformity. I will use your Service, but will I require any further documentation. Thank you for your help in advance. Yours faithfully. Malcolm Smith
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 septembre 2022

      For a vehicle coming from the UK, you'll also need an individual approval (RTI, "réception à titre isolé"), to be made at the DREAL of your region.
  • Fiil

    6 septembre 2022

    Hello, I have bought a french car from a autodealer. The french car with plates will be registrered in my name. I have 2.resident in France. If I want to export this car to Denmark in EU, what do I need to do to unregister the car /plates in France? can you help?and at what price?
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 septembre 2022

      There is no "unregistration" in France. When you export a car, you simply fill a "certificat de cession", the same way you would if you sell the car, then declare the sale so that the administration knows you don't own the vehicle anymore. The car is then exported with its current plates until it's registered abroad. We can register the sale for you, the fee is EUR 20.
  • Yngve

    5 septembre 2022

    Dear Joachim, Thanks for your uplifting message on the 29th of August: "If your main residence is not in France, there is no obligation to register the car. You can drive up to 1 year without leaving France with foreign plates according to the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic". I have tried to look, but I can't find article(s) in the Vienna Convention for Road Traffic that deals with this issue. Could you please point me in the right direction in this document?
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 septembre 2022

      Page 3 of the document says: "A vehicle is said to be "in international traffic" in the territory of a State if: (i) It is owned by a natural or legal person normally resident outside that State;... provided, however, that a Contracting Party may refuse to regard as being "in international traffic" a vehicle which has remained in its territory for more than one year without a substantial interruption, the duration of which may be fixed by that Contracting Party."
  • Crystal

    2 septembre 2022

    Hi, Please can you advise whether you are able to assist with re-registering a Swiss registered car in France? Thanks Crystal
    • Logo Eplaque


      5 septembre 2022

      Yes we can handle the registration if you have collected all the required paperwork (846A, RTI, etc.).
  • Jeremy Balkin

    30 août 2022

    Hi , My elderly uncle who lives in Paris imported a 2004 Ford Thunderbird a while back but never got it registered. We would like assistance in getting the car registered and understand the costs associated with this . Please advise . Thanks Jeremy
    • Logo Eplaque


      31 août 2022

      Car registration costs depend on many criteria. Please use this page in google translate to calculate them accurately :
  • Yngve

    28 août 2022

    My wife and me are spending 11 months in France, for our research stay. We live in Norway and are employed by our Norwegian university during our stay. We have brought our Norwegian registered car to France. Are you familiar with a way that the car can stay with Norwegian licence plates, i.e. are there any exceptions to the "6-months rule"? It doesn't seem very logical to change to French licence plates now and back to Norwegian plates in the autumn of 2023.
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 août 2022

      If your main residence is not in France, there is no obligation to register the car. You can drive up to 1 year without leaving France with foreign plates according to the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic.
  • H Sexton

    26 août 2022

    Hello i have a French registered vehicle which i have had from new (2019) and have a carte grise in my name. The first three years 'ownership' was via a lease agreement and i have now paid the balance and own the vehicle outright. I have a certificate of cessation provided by the finance company. My question, do i need to pay extra taxes plus the fee when i update the ANTS system? Thank you
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 août 2022

      Yes, unfortunately you have to pay the standard taxes due in case of ownership transfer, even if this so called transfer is debatable.
  • Roy

    17 août 2022

    I have bought a car in the U.K. and taken it to France, However it was originally bought new in France and had French registration although now on U.K. plates, does this mean I still have to pay tax and Vat as these have been paid when the car was first registered in France?
    • Logo Eplaque


      18 août 2022

      We didn't find anything suggesting those vehicles are exempted, it would however be wise to double check with customs.
  • Diana Stuart

    16 août 2022

    I have a second home in France with a car registered to that address. I have a UK driving licence. Is this legal?
    • Logo Eplaque


      17 août 2022

      About registering a car as a non resident, it's a bit of a grey area. Some law says you must be a permanent resident, but the car registration law does not check for that, you just need to have a legal address established by a proof of address. Another law say that a car staying a year in the country must have French plate, irrespective of the residency status... Many foreigners like you therefore own a French registered car, we never heard of someone getting in trouble for that.
  • Simon Spinks

    14 août 2022

    Bonjour! I have a renovated 1955 Morris Traveller which I want to give to my niece who lives down in the Loire Valley. It has a reconditioned A series engine (block for later Morris Minors) which is 1310 cc as opposed to the old feeble 958 cc. It also has disc brakes on the front wheels and a five speed Morris Marina gearbox. Is it possible to register this type of car in France, bearing in mind the upgrades? Although the car was built in 1955 in the U.K. as shown on the chassis plate the UK registration certificate (V5C) lists the date of first registration in the U.K. as 01/04/1981. Unfortunately I have been unable to find out why. It may have spent some time abroad, but there is no documentary evidence of this or signs of foreign use on the car? Kind Regards Simon Spinks, Dorking, Surrey, England.
    • Logo Eplaque


      15 août 2022

      It could be registered, but probably not with the special vintage status ("collection") given the modifications made to the braking system and the engine. You can however double check with the FFVE, as they decide. About the registration itself, you will have to get an individual approval (RTI) at the Dreal + prove that you are indeed the legit owner of the vehicle.
  • Beth

    9 août 2022

    We (Irish citizens) bought a used car privately in France for our use when we are in our holiday house. We have all our paper work but in order to get a carte grise we have to sign up with ANTS—which making us get a France Connect account first. We specifically got a cell phone number from Orange for this purpose. But website does not seem to be accepting the mobile number. What do we do now?
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 août 2022

      You can ask anybody with a France Connect account to do it for you, if you don't manage to create your own. The other alternative is to use our service, we can assist in English.
  • Molyneaux David

    9 août 2022

    I have a car that was involved in an accident in England prior to Brexit, I live in france and have done so since 2010. The car was still drivable so I returned with it to france. Due to the accident, also mechanical problems, parked car and purchased another car. The original car has now been mechanically repaired at a cost of 4,000 euros over a number of years. This car has now passed the control technique and I wish to register it in France is this going to cause me any problems? I should add the car is a luxury model from 1998.
    • Logo Eplaque


      10 août 2022

      We don't see any issue if the UK car registration certificate is valid (e.g. no mention such as salvage).
  • Michael

    5 août 2022

    I want to buy a car in france that is still registered on English licence plates. I understand I will need to obtain a certificat 846 a. will this proof problematic as the log book is in the sellers name? also what documents will I need to produce to obtain the 846a?
    • Logo Eplaque


      8 août 2022

      Who is the seller, the owner or a dealer?
  • Kim

    19 juillet 2022

    Is it legal to buy a French camping car with a SC? If so, is it then legal to drive it in the UK, as UK residents?
    • Logo Eplaque


      20 juillet 2022

      Could you clarify what you mean by "SC"?
  • Olivia

    2 juillet 2022

    I am an irish resident who bought a car from a friend in Andorra. I want to leave the car in France for when I visit however I don't have residency but I do have a boat there permanently, is it possible for me to get insurance on this vehicle using the port address where my boat is.
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 juillet 2022

      In principle, yes, by getting a proof from the port authority + a utility bill or phone bill to that address.
  • Yaël

    27 juin 2022

    Hello .I plan to buy a car tomorrow in France . I would be happy to use your services to do so and would like to figure out the possibilities and costs. I have a few ways to do it but I don't know which is possible , most economical and simple , and what wil it require . First - I am a UK citizen but don't have a formal address in the UK which is linked to my passport . I do can provide an address where my sister lives but can not proof it to be linked to my name . Second option - Willbe to register the car directly on my cousin's name who is an Italian citizen and also might be the best as the car will stay long time on Italy . He has a registered address . But he could not physically come to help on the process . Third - to register it on my friend in Switzerland, but I understood that involves changing plates . Would be happy for your kind replay and assistance . Thank you
    • Logo Eplaque


      27 juin 2022

      To register a car in France you must provide a proof of address in the country (utility bill, rental contract, title deed...). It is not possible to provide a foreign address.
  • Paul Lovegrove

    22 juin 2022

    We have two UK-registered vehicles which we brought to France in March and April 2019 - we have one-way ferry tickets to evidence this. We also have the relevant CoC's (controle technique obtained for one vehicle and underway for the other) and I believe we should be able to obtain the necessary Quitus Fiscale for each one (because of ongoing family health issues back in the UK, and the Covid emergency, both vehicles have remained pretty much unused since their arrival). I am not especially concerned with the departmental registration/pollution charges since they are beyond my control and must be in paid. So my question to you is, what would your charges be for uploading and managing the various documents to ANTS and obtaining a carte grise? If you need further information or documentation please let me know.
    • Logo Eplaque


      23 juin 2022

      First, you might have to get 846A certificates for those vehicles if you didn't cancel their registration before Brexit. A British reader explained us a while ago that, like you, he brought 2 cars prior Brexit. The one that had its registration cancelled could get the quitus, the other one had to get a 846A. We are not sure whether its a rule enforced everywhere, but it might be the case. About handling the registration, our rate is EUR 50 per vehicle.
  • Franz

    14 juin 2022

    Hello, I moved from Germany and want to register my car. The car is already on my name and I don't see a option for this on you're site. What do I have to select?
    • Logo Eplaque


      15 juin 2022

      You have to choose "Changement de titulaire" then "Etranger". The fact that you are the owner doesn't matter much, there is no specific procedure for that. If you have further troubles, you can email us to process your request in English, outside of the automated system.
  • Catling

    5 juin 2022

    Hi I brought my car with me last June 2021 it broke as soon as we got here, and I have only now got it fixed will I be able to register it now it’s roadworthy as never registered it when we arrived as was stored in barn until it was fixed last week ? Regards mr Catling
    • Logo Eplaque


      6 juin 2022

      As far as you have the required documents to register the car, you can proceed.
  • Vucko

    29 mai 2022

    Hello, thank you for writing such a detailed post! We moved to France recently, my partner is from Ukraine and has her car from Ukraine. She has a job in France, so she has a proof of address and billing. She would like to register her car (2019 Honda), which has Ukrainian plates now. Do you think she can be exempted from paying VAT? Would you be able to assist us with this? I look forward to your assistance. Thank you! VS
    • Logo Eplaque


      29 mai 2022

      If she relocated and has been owning the car for at least 6 months, she will be exempted. This will be determined by the French customs while delivering her 846A document. We cannot assist in getting it, we just deal with the registration.
  • Crowther

    24 mai 2022

    Hello, I am trying to register my car but am being told that as a nonEuropean I must be a resident in France? Is this correct? Thx you
    • Logo Eplaque


      25 mai 2022

      Yes, although technically it's not completely true. The only requirement is to be able to provide a proof of address. That's why foreigners with a second home in France manage to register a car in France.
  • Henton

    14 avril 2022

    Hello I have been trying to register my car via the ants website accessing Franceconnect via la Poste L’Identité Numérique. Unfortunately it is giving me an error code and I think today is my last day for registration. Are you able to assist me in completing the registration today. I am happy to do so online and have all of the information I need, but I wondered what the charge was for using your service. Thank you. Amanda.
    • Logo Eplaque


      15 avril 2022

      If you want to transfer ownership of a French car, our fees is EUR 30 on top of the taxes we collect on behalf of the French state. Call us for a speedy processing if still needed.
  • David Mailer

    7 avril 2022

    Please can you assist I am importing a normal road car from Uk 18 years old and I am registered citizen in France How long does the admiration/system allow me here in France to do the French mot and register the car on line. Thanks David
    • Logo Eplaque


      8 avril 2022

      As soon as the car arrives in France, you must go to customs to get the 846A. You'll also have to get an RTI. You can pass MOT anytime. You'll need to do those 3 things before you can register the car.
  • Ian Smith

    6 avril 2022

    Good afternoon, I am a French resident and have purchased a campervan from Spain. I would like to register it but because of age it doesn't have a CoC, we tried using a local agent in 2021 but the process was too tricky for them. Would you be able to assist? Regards, Ian Smith.
    • Logo Eplaque


      7 avril 2022

      Unfortunately we only deal with registrations, not with obtaining the paperwork required for registration. In your case you might have 2 options. If the campervan is older than 30 years, you can request the status "collection" (classic vehicle) by getting an "attestation de datation et de caractéristiques" via the FFVE. This document will replace the COC. If the campervan is more recent, you need to get an individual approval (RTI).
  • Terry Belton

    29 mars 2022

    Hello, I have been offered a 2001 Clio for 1000€. The seller says the carte gris is in the name of the company he bought it from. The CT is less than 6 month old. Will you be able to register the car for me? Thanks, Terry Belton.
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 mars 2022

      No. It is forbidden to sell a car when the owner mentioned on the carte grise (titulaire) does not correspond to the identity of the seller. If you buy such car, the ownership transfer request will be denied. The seller must transfer it first to his name, then sell it.
  • Bartek

    26 mars 2022

    Hello. I have a specific problem with car registration in France. I am a Polish citizen and I live in France. I've brought my polish car with me and I would like to register it in France. In order to do that I need to obtain a document called quitus fiscal from French tax office. My problem is that the tax office requires carte grise of the seller. This document doesn't exist anymore because I registered this car before in Poland on my name, so I only have my own carte grise. What can I do in this case?
    • Logo Eplaque


      30 mars 2022

      It doesn't have to be the carte grise of the seller, you just need to provide them with the Polish registration certificate. We say "seller" because most of the time, the car is bought. Many foreigners come with their own car and register it, it's not an issue.
  • Miriam

    26 mars 2022

    I am resident in France. Iwant to buy a LHD car which was registered in France. The previous owner sold it to a Belgian dealer so the carte gris and the certificat de cession was signed in UK (where the p revious owner now lives)transferring ownership to the Belgian dealer. I assume the seller in Belgium would supply a Belgian sale document. How difficult would it be to bring the car to France and register it?
    • Logo Eplaque


      1 avril 2022

      If you have all the invoices that allow to establish vehicle ownership history, registering the car will work out. Which means you would need the invoice issued by the previous owner to the Belgian dealer.
  • David Rowlands

    24 mars 2022

    How much does your English service cost ?
    • Logo Eplaque


      25 mars 2022

      The price is the same as the ones quoted for French clients. So it ranges roughly from EUR 30 to 50, depending on what has to be done.
  • Andres Haas

    22 mars 2022

    If purchasing from a car dealer, all this paperwork other than the carte gris would be arranged by them - yes? How do I arrange a carte gris before purchasing a car?
    • Logo Eplaque


      23 mars 2022

      Many dealers do the paperwork, yes. Otherwise you can submit your file to the ANTS (French only), or to a private registration service like ours.
  • Mr Jamie Simmons

    10 mars 2022

    Hello. My name is Jamie Simmons and live in the UK. I n 2008 at the clasdic Lemans I purchased a vintage car which required a full rebuild and restoration, the car was not compleate and was not a driving vehicle. I have the history from Paris as the car was a Vanvooren bodied vehicle. I have a photo from 1929 with the two Gangloff agents present in the photo also showing the number plate, along with a sales brochure of the car clearly showing the chassis number. The cars carte gris was not present but would like to regester the car and be able to pay the import duty. How do I proceed please any help would be appreciated. Regards Mr Jamie Simmons, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 2PQ. UK
    • Logo Eplaque


      11 mars 2022

      If the car has a registration, authorities will in principle require the carte grise in order to transfer ownership. They might accept to register it anyway since it's a very old vehicle, but you will have to prove ownership in a convincing way. Those requests are handled on a case by case basis, so we cannot predict whether it will be successful or not.
  • Geatrell Christopher

    15 décembre 2021

    Hi, I'm a French resident and I have a vehicle (classic over 30 years old) currently off road in the UK (unable to MOT it because of covid travelling restrictions) that I want to register in France. I used the car for classic rallies until 2019 and when covid set in I took the vehicle off the road. with the restrictions, it has been impossible to get back to MOT the vehicle and now I am resident in France I want to register it here and get it back on the road. How do I go about it? Thanks
    • Logo Eplaque


      16 décembre 2021

      I guess you could arrange shipping, and MOT it in France. To register it, you'll have to get the 846A certificate (customs) + get a local Individual Approval Certificate (IAC) called RTI (with the dreal or drire). An easier path would be to register the car as a classic car so you don't have to go through the IAC hassle. To do so, you must get a specific document from the FFVE (, called "attestation de datation et de caractéristiques".
  • Simon Morrison

    28 octobre 2021

    Hi, I’m a UK resident with a 2nd home in France. I’d like to register a french car in my name. Is this possible?
    • Logo Eplaque


      28 octobre 2021

      If you can provide a proof of address (utility bill, title deeds etc.), it's possible.
  • kevin nunn

    26 octobre 2021

    Hello... I have a carte gris for my initially UK registered camping car... which I obtained through eplaque. However, I have a trailer also. It is a car carrying trailer... I believe I need a carte-gris for this trailer also. I am resident in France.
    • Logo Eplaque


      27 octobre 2021

      If your trailer has a maximum permissible weight of more than 500 kg, you must have a carte grise issued for it to be allowed to travel. If its GVW is less than 500 kg, the trailer does not need a registration document. Equipping it with a number plate identical to that of the vehicle towing it will allow it to travel on public roads.
  • Miguel Valente dos Santos

    21 octobre 2021

    Hello, I am a Portuguese citizen, but i am currently living in France (Saint-Genis-Pouilly) as i work at CERN. I want to buy a used car, is it possible to get it registered in my name? (I do not have a french card yet). Best regards, Miguel Santos
    • Logo Eplaque


      21 octobre 2021

      Hello, You don't need a French resident card to register a car in France as far as you can provide a valid proof of address. It can be a utility bill, a real estate rental contract, etc.

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